Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Leaks, and I don't mean Wiki

Sorry for not posting anything in a while. My mother-in-law, Lois, came into town for a visit as well as for an appointment at SCCA. She has late stage ovarian cancer and was getting information on any options that may  be open for her. She didn't get any new information but got reinforcement and options for the treatment she is getting. I didn't plan a lot for us to do as I wasn't sure what she would be up for. But we did go to the movies, The Butler (go see it!), did some shopping (she bought comfy shoes at Nordstrom!) and had a BBQ gathering with friends. David fired up Bertha, a competition smoker friends gave to us.

Lois and my mom met for the first time via Skype. If you have relatives in different areas and want to communicate with them, Skype is a great option. I know it helped my mom to see me during my treatments, since she couldn't be here.

Dealing with my ostomy bag has been a frustrating process. I was told that it would take about six weeks to get the system down and this Thursday will make it five weeks since my surgery. My ostomy nurse has been terrific. If I don't have an appointment, she answers emails within a day, if not sooner. After a leak (all over the bathroom floor) with one system, I tried a second one. Both of these are two part systems, with a skin shield to which the bag attaches. Early one morning the bag separated from the shield and, well, shit was everywhere. I was not happy but I have to say David handled it quickly and coolly by gathering sheets and getting them downstairs into the laundry. How'd I get so lucky to be with such a guy?

So now I'm going back and forth between the two systems, seems that none of them are perfect. So this is what I will have to deal with for the next 5-6 months. Welcome to hell.

On a lighter note, we've been having torrential rain, lightening and thunder storms lately, unusual for the northwest. But today is gorgeous and we do get the benefits of the occasional rainbow.

You can see a seaplane taking off towards the right hand-side.

We got to attend the wedding of a friend - she looked gorgeous! Unfortunately, I was too tired the next day to go to the reception. I really do have my limits these days. But here are few images from the wedding.

Check out the dress!

Happy ever after!

Cake by Sarah's mom! With two whales on top!


David Darrow said...

Young Love! Young Love!

David Darrow said...

Young Love! Young Love!

It Happened One Night (1934)

rudraksh said...


Thanks for sharing this blog its very helpful to implement in our work


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