Monday, September 23, 2013

Port of call, and I don't mean a cruise ship

Well, I was scheduled to have my port put in today, but it got pushed back to tomorrow. I was supposed to show up at the UW Surgical Pavilion at 8, but now it's the UW Hospital at 7 (same location, different entrances).

But let me back up to the teach I had on Friday, which was to review the port and chemo procedures. I lost it when the nurse said I'd have the port for a year! My chemo is 4 months! What the ... ? I'll be losing the stoma in February 2014 so why does the port have to hang around (any port in a storm)? Turns out, she was misinformed. Oops. I'd left a message with the medical oncologist's nurse and she called back and said I will have it removed after chemo. Sigh, big relief. People, after my surgery in February I want to forget this whole episode of my life, except for the extraordinary support I have gotten from friends, family and co-workers! And, of course, my husband David!

So tomorrow I get this thing stuck under my skin with a bump where the port is and a tube going directly to my heart. On Wednesday, I first get blood drawn (now through my port rather than my arm), then wait an hour for my provider (really doctor) to see results, and then they start the infusion - first with steroids and antibiotics and saline solution and I don't know what else (except vodka!). Then I get the chemo started and they give me this, I'm sorry, really ugly 'fanny pack' to wear with a pump and two days supply of chemo that I get to wear all of the time. It's like being a drug addict without any of the benefits! Then on Friday I get disconnected, just in time for happy hour!

Well, I will deal with this. I was able to play tennis recently and have begun my workouts with Bronsa. I've been walking and I've climbed the stairs by our house - all 196 of them. As far as I'm concerned, I'm in the home stretch and the rest of what I will have to deal with is just getting back my fitness while working around these treatments.

The lioness is back.

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