Sunday, July 21, 2013

Six hours later...

My appointments on Friday lasted six hours. It started with a CT scan (which the scheduler did not allow for the one hour that you have to drink the contrast liquid so we were rushed from one appointment to another) and ended with the surgeon showing us where incisions would be made. And I found out the surgery was moved to 8/8 from 8/6.

One of my first questions was when I could start playing tennis again. The surgeon made it clear to me that this was major surgery and I wouldn't be doing much of anything for six weeks. No lifting of more than 10 pounds (Daphne weighs 12!), no core work, walking and stairs OK.

I completely lost it when the wound ostomy nurse started to talk about my ileostomy bag. I talked to a friend who had a colostomy bag and she said she called her stoma a prairie dog hole because she never knew when something would pop out of it (thanks for the laugh, Barb!). I'm thinking of referring to my bag as a lamprey (it was either that or a remora).

There's even a special web site for items for people wearing ostomy bags called Ostomy Secrets. Who knew?

The doctor seemed surprised by my reaction, and assured me the bag was temporary. I told him that knowledge wasn't helping me now. The REALLY GOOD news is the flexible sigmoidoscopy revealed that the tumor has decreased to 10% of it's original size. Because of this, everything going forward should be more successful.

I'm putting all of the packets and information aside for now. It was an exhausting day but now I have better things to focus on. David and I picked up our rings from Goldmine Design yesterday. They aren't posted on her Facebook site yet but will be. Cindi was great and I highly recommend her to any one who wants a unique and special ring or piece of jewelry! Monday we go to city hall and Tuesday we head to Lummi Island for a wonderful honeymoon and birthday celebration at Willows Inn. The weather should be nice so we'll be able to drive Maude, who's been getting some Facebook time lately (two different links). Maybe we need to have a Facebook page just for her!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

congrats on your marriage!
congrats on a shrinking tumor!

Have fun - keep me posted.