Friday, February 28, 2014

The kindness of my friends

I've received many wishes for my recovery in the forms of emails and cards. I appreciate the thoughts that everyone sends my way for a speedy recovery.

One morning I got a call from friends that there was something on our doorstep. We found a beautiful wooden basket with all sorts of goodies - matzo ball soup, meatloaf and glaze, biscotti and daffodils (I call them Daveydils because David likes them). Fumiko made the best matzo ball soup! The broth was flavorful and the matzo balls light. Actually, everything was fantastic and really appreciated.

Then one day I received a bright bouquet from my USTA tennis team. I miss seeing everyone at our weekly practices and look forward to joining them again in a few weeks.

Unfortunately, this is what the cats do to flowers!

My friend Michelle was smart in bringing me a balloon with the image of a flower on it. The cats didn't eat it, but it became a kitty toy as they jumped for the ribbon and then walked around with the balloon trailing behind them. Everything is a potential toy to kitties!

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